Thursday, November 27, 2014

Mixtape of the week: Your picture is still on my wall

1- The Courtneys - “Lost Boys”.
2- Surf Club - “Until Then”.
3- Frankie Cosmos - “Birthday”.
4- The Palmettes - “Hey There”.
5- The Aquadolls - “So High”.
6- The Debutantes - “Burn The Merch”.
7- Imaginary Pants - “Creaking Gates”.
8- The Saint Valentine State - “Moments Are Moments”.
9- The Raveonettes - “The End” (a The Doors cover).

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Mixtape of the week: You deserve more than a maybe

1- Cool Drinks - “Don’t Look Back”.
2- The Zebras - “Fire Fire”.
3- The Mantles - “Memory’.
4- Wild Balbina - "Stay Alive”.
5- Tweens - “Be Mean”.
6- Carsick Cars - “Wild Grass”.
7- Letting Up Despite Great Faults - “Wrapped”.
8- Be Forest - “Indian Summer” (a Beat Happening cover).
9- Tennis - “Never Work For Free”.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Mixtape of the week: Feed me with your kiss

1- Finmark! - “Tugboat (a Galaxy 500 cover)”.
2- Alpaca Sports - “Will You Ever Come Back Home”.
3- Computer Magic - “Summer Vacation”.
4- Literature - “The English Softhearts”.
5- LVL UP - “I Feel OK”.
6- Wizard Oz - “By The Water”.
7- Малыш Камю - “Как солнце”.
8- Lacrosse - “I Told You So (Didn’t I)”.
9- Gunns - “By The Sea”.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Mixtape of the week: I can't believe what you did to me

1- Baxter Dury - “Pleasure”.
2- Yumi Zouma - “The Brae”.
3- The Fireworks - “Getting Nowhere Fast” (a The Wedding Present cover).
4- Lilies On Mars - “Dream Of Bees”.
5- Cosmetics - “Sleepwalking”.
6- Salad Boys - “Dream Date”.
7- The Kensington’s - “Please Don’t Lie To Me”.
8- Dead Horse One - “Hopper”.
9- The Proper Ornaments - “Recalling”.